Wage And Hour Class Action Litigation

Collective And Class Actions Protect The Rights Of Individual Employees

In the context of wage and hour laws, class action lawsuits can open the courthouse door for employees who might otherwise have a difficult time seeing justice served in their individual cases.

Because of the way our legal system works, groups of employees who take collective action to enforce their legal rights are often more successful than individual employees acting alone. Successful wage and hour class action lawsuits result in compensation for individual employees. More than that, they may result in company-wide changes that positively affect current and future employees.

We Have A Proven Record Of Success In Wage And Hour Class Action Litigation

At Rosen Marsili Rapp LLP, our devoted labor and employment law attorneys represent groups of employees in class action lawsuits against California employers charged with violating state and federal wage and hour laws. We are a Los Angeles-based law firm whose exclusive focus is on using litigation and negotiation to enforce the labor and employment law rights of employees throughout California.

We investigate and litigate wage and hour class action lawsuits involving a wide variety of allegations against unscrupulous employers in any industry. We can help you and your coworkers with cases alleging:

Individual Attention. Collective Approach.

Founded in 1985, our law firm takes professional pride in the role we play in enforcing employees’ workplace rights and the high regard in which we are held by our peers in the legal profession. Many of our new clients come to us as referrals from other lawyers or past clients. We provide individual attention to your case, and a collective approach to getting you the justice and financial compensation you deserve.